The Kolts
3 Full Beds
The Kolts is a comfortable and roomy cabin for a family or a small group of friends. It has 3 comfortable, full size mattresses, with a bed on the floor and a mattress in each of the 2 lofts.
It also includes an adorable custom-made sitting bench, bookshelves and an end-table. It is equipped with 2 battery powered fans and a propane heater is available for colder months.
The Kolts is adjacent to a wet weather waterfall that makes a perfect shower when running, if you can brave the cold!
The Kolts has it's own private grill and fire pit but is near the shared port-a-potty and pavilion with picnic tables, grill and large firepit.
There are battery powered lanterns in the cabin and solar lights outside, but utilities (water and electricity) are not available.
Kolts at Fry camp
360 view of the cabin